Landscape Lighting & Tree Care

With an eye for artistic design and a passion for helping trees thrive, you cannot be disappointed choosing us to take care of your landscape lighting and arborculture needs.

Perfect Lighting Nightscapes

I don’t have enough properties to display a real portfolio of my work yet, but with your help and trust we can modify your existing lighting system or install a new one that will make your landscaping shine in a way you’ve never seen before. Too many in the lighting industry have no eye for the artistry of lighting design, have me out to work on it and I guarantee to make you fall in love with your property all over again!

(Pictured work not mine yet, I need a better camera and more examples. It does represent the kind of eye I bring to illuminating your landscape)

Arbor Barber Tree Care

With over 5 years of experience being trusted to operate tree crews independently, I’m passionate about maintaining the health of the living sculptures that provide us shade and relaxation. Too many tree contractors and landscapers harm your trees by making bad cuts, lion tailing trees, or installing metal hardware that stresses your trees as much as bracing them. Another common way your landscapers are killing your trees are what we call “mulch volcanoes”, trees need to be able to breathe through their root flares which commonly get buried with mulch suffocating the tree. Using a combination of brushes and air spade, I will maintain an optimal environment for your tree to thrive with no need for expensive and often unnecessary fertilization. I also offer removals, but for larger removals I may recommend someone who has buckets and cranes that can do it cheaper. I’m here to save your trees and bank account, not make every dime I can off this service.